Friday, May 23, 2014

Letter G...

Welcome to Homeschool Oregon, this week we learned all about the letter G. I have to just say it was one of our best week's of homeschooling so far, we really loved all that the letter G brought to us. So, let's dive in! We kicked off the week like usual with learning, tracing, and writing our uppercase and lowercase letter G's to get ourselves familiar with our new letter of the week. Something a little new to our normal routine this week we filled our very own capital G with all the words we could think of that started with G. This was our preschoolers idea, he wanted to be able to see the connections from the letter itself to actual things, foods, people, etc. (an added bonus is they get familiar with the actual sounds the letter makes). Thanks to this simple idea, we now have another activity to add to our normal routine to kick our learning off!

The list of words that start with the letter G really helped our toddler have a visual of what we could make for our letter of the week crafts this week. Ultimately we decided on a guitar for our uppercase G and a grape on the vine for our lowercase g:

We continued to incorporate the letter G into a good portion of our everyday, even our snacks started revolving around G with goldfish crackers and grapes. What snack would be complete without a game to go along with it? To begin our week we decided to do a game all about grapes. We drew out our own vines, I made two sets (one was for numbers and counting, the other was for the alphabet), and cut out our own set of grapes. We went with 14 grapes so that we could do both uppercase and lowercase letters from A-G that I labeled on one side, the other side was labeled with the numbers 1-14. The game was a simple matching game that was perfect for an afternoon snack break in our homeschooling day.

Our toddler is still learning to associate the actual written number with the amount, so I like to put the amount in dots for him to count. We also are moving away from just 1-10 learning now and have moved into the teen numbers currently.

Moving onto our bible lesson for this week, we made the focus about God in general and thanks to VeggieTales we turned our usual lesson into a night for the entire family with enjoying their movie and printouts for movie night snacks. Both our toddlers really got a kick out of using their tickets to "buy" snacks and afterwards we went over what the message was in the movie we had watched. I don't know about you ,but in our household we love VeggieTales! If you haven't checked them out already, I highly suggest you do because they are really a fun, kid friendly way of learning about the bible! They even have a few of their videos available on Netflix to watch, including the movie we have shown below that we used for our own bible lesson.


Now in our home our son loves anything and everything that has to do with messes. Creating them, joining them, he is always in and as he rightfully should be! So, of course we needed a great sensory activity for our midweek slump and I couldn't think of a better, messier idea than homemade goop! I spent a while searching on Pinterest for a bit looking for a homemade version of this that didn't involve borax and with some luck I came across this blog I was able to find a version I liked. With a bit of tweaking we made our own goop that you can read all about HERE!

With a trip to our local library this week, we found a great selection of books revolving around the letter G. Here are the few that made our favorite's list this week: We had a little bit of everything in our range of books this week from classic to the very cute Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site.

Wrapping up the week to an end, we added our own capital G to our very own Chicka Chicka Boom Boom tree. We hope you all enjoyed this week's activities and stay tuned for next week's lesson plan!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Homemade Goop!

Nothing says sensory activity like a fun, messy pile of goop! Our preschooler couldn't get enough of this slimy stuff during our entire letter of the week, the letter G and we wanted to share the fun with you! I must of searched Pinterest for days trying to find a recipe for this homemade goop that I liked that didn't include borax (because let's be honest who wants their toddlers playing with borax?!) and finally I came upon a recipe that used shampoo which was a suitable alternative for our household because our toddlers don't have the habit of putting things in their mouth. You can check out the original recipe here, at Fun at home with kids blog. Like most recipes I come across I did some tweaking to make it work for us. So, roll up your sleeves and get ready to make some GOOP!

For this recipe you will need:

  • 1/2 cup shampoo (we used our California Baby shampoo ,but any shampoo works)
  • food coloring
  • 1 1/4 cups cornstarch
  • 4-6 tbsp. water
You'll want to mix your shampoo and food coloring together first, once they are mixed together well you can add in your cornstarch. Mix together very well, it will be crumbly at first. You then add in your water one tablespoon at a time until it thoroughly mixes together and appears shiny ,but can form a ball (it won't stay formed for more than a few seconds). That's it! You now have you own batch of homemade goop that can be stored in an airtight container and stays good for weeks. If it starts to get too stiff or crumbly, just add a tablespoon or so of water and mix it up again.


Monday, May 19, 2014

Letter F...

This week we focused on the letter F and unlike our previous weeks, this post will be short and sweet! Like most weeks we kicked off the week by tracing and practicing writing our lowercase and uppercase F's ,but these just weren't challenging to our preschooler after already mastering the letter E last week. We kicked up our gears and completed our letter of the week crafts early in the week, we did a fox for capital F and a flower for lowercase F.

Here is where our week of F begins to be completely different from the previous five weeks of our more conventional learning, we threw all lesson plans, crafts, and workbooks out the window. This week we are all about fitness and getting our bodies moving. I couldn't think of a better way to kick off our week of fitness and just our mornings in general than by incorporating some yoga into our day. This is a great morning or night activity that both our toddlers could easily do alongside us, especially if you focus it on children's yoga like this great visual we found on Pinterest:

Why stop there?! This is a week all about getting active and fitness so it shouldn't only be incorporated into our mornings, we found fun ways to keep our bodies active all day. Here are just a handful of ways we kept our bodies going:
  • Running! In our household there is nothing I enjoy more than a morning jog and I love sharing my time running with our toddlers. After awhile our preschooler started to skip the jogging stroller completely and run in 1/2 mile to 1 mile increments alongside me.
  • Parks. They honestly just don't get the credit they deserve for getting kids up and active, we try to work in at least two trips the local park every week. If you are fortunate to live close to some local parks in your own town then you can even walk to and from the park.

  • Indoor play places. Luckily we have an indoor play area in our local mall as well as an indoor bounce house in the next town over. These are great options for when the weather just isn't cooperating.

  • Playing outside! You don't need a park or sports to just get outside in your own yards to get active. Honestly, the options are endless for this one. We usually use our yard for kicking around balls, running and chasing, or impromptu water play.
  • Riding bikes (in our case sometimes using scooters). Another great option for getting active outside.

  • Hiking! This is one the whole family can really enjoy and is an easy option for the weekends.
  • Sports, there are so many options out there to sign your kids up for any type of sports or activity. Even in our local town we have every sport you could think of, plus karate, tumbling, etc. We let our toddlers choose what they would like to try, this year our son decided on swimming lessons.

There you have it, we ditched the textbooks and emerged ourselves in a week of just fun options for being active. I'm guessing this isn't the week you thought it would be, usually we have sensory options, crafts, and fun learning games. After five straight weeks of that, I couldn't think of a better reason to just take a week off. That's the great thing about learning at home, our days aren't on a Monday - Friday schedule and we can take breaks from homeschooling entirely. We decided to wrap up the week entirely with a little counting game. All you need is a piece of paper to draw small fishbowls on, goldfish crackers, and to number the fishbowls accordingly. We numbered ours from 1-6 (we even dotted the amount of number to help our preschooler). Let you preschooler count the number and count out the appropriate amount of crackers to go in each fishbowl. An easy way to incorporate counting and reviewing numbers while providing a small snack.

And like every other week, we added our letter F to our very own Chicka Chicka Boom Boom tree at home. This wraps up another week for Homeschool Oregon, we hope you enjoy the week and will be back with a post all about our week spent on the letter G!

Friday, May 9, 2014

Letter E...

Moving onto our next letter of the week, we are learning all about the letter E. Although we really struggled with our homeschooling in general this week, on both my part and my preschoolers part. Letting our toddler set the pace for this week had actually turned into a great learning week here. Since we were feeling sluggish the first half of our week, we focused on easy tasks that we could do in the comfort of our home (to be more honest in the comfort of our bed, thanks to our dry erase writing board) and it couldn't of worked out better to focus on practicing tracing and writing our letter of the week, the letter E. Being stuck inside also gave us the chance to get a little creative on how we worked to enhance skills we have learned: like using our scissors this week. While we usually have stuck to cutting shapes or different types of lines on paper, this time we tried cutting through play dough. Our preschooler thought it was great and I loved that it helped strengthen his hands for better use of his scissors in general. This could be done with an endless number of objects, different thickness and textures to give your preschoolers a variety of experience.

Once we were finally over our sluggish start to the week and when we caught a gorgeous break in the weather, we took our homeschool area outside with a fun matching game that couldn't be simpler to set up. If you have toddlers in your home then like us, you probably have more plastic Easter eggs leftover then you can count. Since we are all about E's this week, it just made sense to put those leftover plastic eggs to work with a uppercase, lowercase alphabet matching game. I wrote the uppercase letter on the top half of a plastic egg, then wrote the corresponding lowercase letter on the bottom half of a plastic egg. I then left the halves disconnected in a tub for our preschooler to find the matches and put back together, it really was that simple and a complete hit with our son. On a little note, I only did a section of the alphabet this time because I didn't want the lesson to be overwhelming rather than fun.

Not letting the great weather go to waste we took the rest of our learning to one of our friends small farms for some up close learning about where our very own eggs come from. While we have been around chickens plenty of times, I realized I never really talked about the process of eggs. Since our toddlers eat them like they are going out of style it only made sense to incorporate this into our week of E learning. So we visited the chicken coop and got a hands on experience of collecting our very own eggs this time, which was great for what I had in mind for continuing this learning into our kitchen. Something you will learn quickly about our family is that we spend a good amount of time in the kitchen and preschool age is the perfect time to start incorporating some help in kitchen tasks. I also love the idea of Montessori learning and how to be self efficient in everyday tasks that you need to acquire. So, I wanted to take advantage of these very things in our later part of the week by having our preschooler learn how to properly clean the eggs that we had collected earlier. But, we weren't stopping at just that! I wanted him to give him an opportunity to learn how to crack open his own eggs and how we use them in many of the things we cook or bake around our home. Before you say it, I know what you are thinking "Is she crazy? Letting a toddler crack eggs on their own?!" Just give it a try, you may be surprised at how easily a task may come to your preschoolers. This also is a great way to provide some sensory learning with the different textures of the eggs between the shells themselves and the yolks. All you need is two clean bowls, one for shells and one for the actual yolks when they are cracked which makes this an easy weekday lesson.

Here you can see the entire process which was really simple ,but effective. I now have a new egg cracking helper for all our baking needs and our preschooler has a new confidence about a skill he has acquired. It's a win, win in my book! You can take this hands on learning even a step further if you wanted by letting them scramble the eggs or even just squish the different parts of eggs around for a bit. Our toddler asked to use them in making cookies (a very sly request) that I just couldn't turn down, I passed it off as continued learning by including him in each step of the cookie making process. To play off our time in the kitchen with the eggs we moved right into our letter of the week crafts for this week, we made a capital E elephant and a lowercase E eggshell.

We didn't make it to our local library this week ,but luckily we have a pretty good selection of our own children's books to pull from. It only seemed fitting to use our collection of Eric Carle's books as our author of choice for this week. So, here is our family favorite picks for this week:

Since we used this week to dive into all of our favorite Eric Carle books, it only seemed fitting to include an activity to go along with the books. I let our preschooler choose his favorite book and then came up with something to go along in theme with it. His choice happened to be The Tiny Seed, which was perfect because we had recently bought different plant seeds for his personal window garden. We decided to go with a counting game, it's really easy to do. All you need is a sheet of paper, a marker, and some plant seeds (you could even use cut outs of seeds if you'd like). I just roughly drew a flower with ten petals and labeled them 1-10. Our preschooler used a cup of seeds and counted out the appropriate number for each petal. If you'd like you could even take it a step further and use those seeds after the game to plant in miniature containers, let your toddler do all the work. This creates a nice hands on sensory experience while teaching them how plants or even food grows.

We won't be sharing a new bible lesson this week because of last week's bible lesson being split into the first couple days of this week. If you didn't catch that then you can read it here. We will have a whole new lesson for next week though. And finally to wrap up this week we added our letter E to our very own personal Chicka Chicka Boom Boom tree. Check back with us next week for our fun filled week of the letter F! We have an entire week that will be filled with some fun games, a sensory box, new crafts, and even a recipe.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Continuing letter D...

If you haven't read my post about our letter of the week, the letter D then you can catch it here. Since we spent most of last week with an impromptu family vacation and play dates with our friends, we had to split up the bible lesson we had previously planned. Keeping with the letter D theme we decided to do the days of creation bible lesson and split the lesson plan up accordingly over seven days. Each day we reviewed the previous day/days that we had already covered then moved onto the creation of that day. While we usually use our children's bible to cover any bible lessons we plan, this time we the Bible for Kids app on our Kindle. While this app really just covers the basics of the bible story, it gives them a hands on experience that I really love. Our preschooler loves interacting with the different features throughout the story.

We decided to make our own crafts to go along with this bible lesson for the week and while I have seen many versions of these crafts, we decided to go the number route. This helped reinforce the numbers we have learned as well as help our preschooler keep each day in order for him. The actual craft is fairly simple, I pre-cut out the numbers 1-7 for our toddler. As we covered one day at a time we chose together how our son would want to decorate his numbered day to go along with that specific creation. Here is what we came up with:

As you can see these are fairly simple and I let our preschooler be in complete charge, some days he chose to decorate with paper and other days he simply wanted help coloring (and yes those lovely stick figures were all my doing ha). We just completed our last day of this bible lesson and I just have to say that I was completely happy with the overall outcome. And while the actual lesson is fairly large compared to our usual bible lessons, I am happy to report our preschooler retained all of the information. The crafts not only helped our son remember everything ,but also gave him a visual aide in case he forgot. Win, win in my homeschooling opinion. As I had also mentioned in the first post of our letter of the week D, we wanted to not only cover our bible lesson for the week ,but also some of our family favorite choices for books this week. This week's new favorites are the following:

Dinosaur Tracks was such a big hit with our preschooler that we incorporated our own dinosaur tracks activity by using our finger paints and a small handful of our own dinosaurs we have around our home. So, if you are anything like our family you probably have more than enough dinosaurs laying around your home for this activity and hopefully some paint. If you do not have any paint on hand then I have a simple recipe you can get here. And here is our final craft to wrap up our week of the letter D:

On a side not the dinosaur's tracks are a little hard to make out in the photograph ,but it was a fun little activity to wrap up our dinosaur filled week. And both our toddlers really enjoyed getting to make their own sets of tracks. We hope you enjoyed this letter of the week as much as we did. Stay in touch for our next post as we venture into the next letter of the week, the letter E. We have some fun crafts, games, and Montessori style skill learning in store.