Friday, May 23, 2014

Letter G...

Welcome to Homeschool Oregon, this week we learned all about the letter G. I have to just say it was one of our best week's of homeschooling so far, we really loved all that the letter G brought to us. So, let's dive in! We kicked off the week like usual with learning, tracing, and writing our uppercase and lowercase letter G's to get ourselves familiar with our new letter of the week. Something a little new to our normal routine this week we filled our very own capital G with all the words we could think of that started with G. This was our preschoolers idea, he wanted to be able to see the connections from the letter itself to actual things, foods, people, etc. (an added bonus is they get familiar with the actual sounds the letter makes). Thanks to this simple idea, we now have another activity to add to our normal routine to kick our learning off!

The list of words that start with the letter G really helped our toddler have a visual of what we could make for our letter of the week crafts this week. Ultimately we decided on a guitar for our uppercase G and a grape on the vine for our lowercase g:

We continued to incorporate the letter G into a good portion of our everyday, even our snacks started revolving around G with goldfish crackers and grapes. What snack would be complete without a game to go along with it? To begin our week we decided to do a game all about grapes. We drew out our own vines, I made two sets (one was for numbers and counting, the other was for the alphabet), and cut out our own set of grapes. We went with 14 grapes so that we could do both uppercase and lowercase letters from A-G that I labeled on one side, the other side was labeled with the numbers 1-14. The game was a simple matching game that was perfect for an afternoon snack break in our homeschooling day.

Our toddler is still learning to associate the actual written number with the amount, so I like to put the amount in dots for him to count. We also are moving away from just 1-10 learning now and have moved into the teen numbers currently.

Moving onto our bible lesson for this week, we made the focus about God in general and thanks to VeggieTales we turned our usual lesson into a night for the entire family with enjoying their movie and printouts for movie night snacks. Both our toddlers really got a kick out of using their tickets to "buy" snacks and afterwards we went over what the message was in the movie we had watched. I don't know about you ,but in our household we love VeggieTales! If you haven't checked them out already, I highly suggest you do because they are really a fun, kid friendly way of learning about the bible! They even have a few of their videos available on Netflix to watch, including the movie we have shown below that we used for our own bible lesson.


Now in our home our son loves anything and everything that has to do with messes. Creating them, joining them, he is always in and as he rightfully should be! So, of course we needed a great sensory activity for our midweek slump and I couldn't think of a better, messier idea than homemade goop! I spent a while searching on Pinterest for a bit looking for a homemade version of this that didn't involve borax and with some luck I came across this blog I was able to find a version I liked. With a bit of tweaking we made our own goop that you can read all about HERE!

With a trip to our local library this week, we found a great selection of books revolving around the letter G. Here are the few that made our favorite's list this week: We had a little bit of everything in our range of books this week from classic to the very cute Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site.

Wrapping up the week to an end, we added our own capital G to our very own Chicka Chicka Boom Boom tree. We hope you all enjoyed this week's activities and stay tuned for next week's lesson plan!

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