Hello and welcome to Homeschool Oregon!
I wanted to introduce to you the family behind the blog and give you a peek into who we really are. First and foremost, I am a mom with a hardworking husband of what is approaching five years of marriage, who makes this staying home with our two beautiful toddlers a possibility. We are an Oregon based family that is currently tucked away in a little valley town and we are true to the crunchy Oregonian ways; as in we like to make our own laundry soap, we cure most things around this home with garlic and coconut oil, we believe in great food and support local farm to table eateries/breweries, and above all else we are a family centered around Christ. Although, we have only just started our homeschooling experience, we have learned a lot in the few short months that we have started. You can read about why we homeschool right here. I never thought I would even consider homeschooling our children and it wasn't something that either my husband or I grew up with ,but when our circumstances came about that I would be staying home with our toddlers a lot longer than we had anticipated this is just what made sense for our family. That quickly grew into a deep passion that I now for being not only a stay at home mother ,but also a homeschooling mother. The interest that we have received about homeschooling has been pleasantly unexpected and that is the reason behind this blog. One place where I can have all my thoughts and opinions gathered for other parents who are interested in this path as well. Now I would love for you to meet the children who are behind this homeschool.
First, we have our "wild thing". He is my first baby and is currently 4 years old and is in preschool. He has a serious obsession with anything and everything dinosaurs (if you have ever seen our house you would see that dinosaurs have taken over). He loves teenage mutant ninja turtles, gardening, going running and hiking, and reading. Surprisingly, he loves all vegetables and would eat kale salads for every meal if he had it his way.
And, then there is our "little princess". She is our last baby and has completed our little family in more way than we could have imagined. She is currently 1 year old and is as wild as can be, she is our little wild child who is determined to give me gray hairs before my time. She loves princess movies, playing with play dough, story time, and going down slides.
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