Monday, May 5, 2014

Homemade finger paint...

If you are anything like my household then you know how easily it can be to fly through craft supplies and sometimes it is just easier to make your own then it would be to load two toddlers in the car and drive to the market just to buy something. Here is my simple solution, a quick and easy homemade finger paint that has been working for my family the past couple of years. Most likely you already have all these ingredients in your house as it is:

3 tbsp. sugar
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 cup corn starch
2 cups water
* Food coloring
Warm everything in a small saucepan (with the exception of the food coloring) until it has slightly thickened, it will continue to thicken as it cools down. Divide the mixture into separate containers as it cools down and add your desired food coloring to each container, anywhere from 4-10 drops of food coloring should be the right amount. Make sure to cover your containers tightly when you are done and store in your refrigerator, it will help make your paints last longer.

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