Friday, April 25, 2014

Our homeschool corner...

Like many families who choose to homeschool, we are also limited on space available in our cozy home to create an area just for learning and like many homeschoolers we created our homeschool area in our kitchen. The kitchen was really the only reasonable option we had since we spend most of our days in the downstairs of our house and the living room has already been overtaken by a large play area for our toddlers. That left the us with our kitchen, which really did make sense because it has a clear view into our living room so I can see our "little princess" playing while our "wild thing" works on his lessons. We also spend a good part of our day in the kitchen as I also did when I was a child and that was something that I really wanted to pass down to my children was the love that a kitchen can really hold. As for our little homeschool area we decided to keep it as organized as possible and really wanted it to appeal to a toddler right now with fun pictures, easy access, and bright playful colors. It is still a constant work in progress ,but here is what we have as of right now.

In our general area we have the alphabet border and we used dinosaur shape references (to especially appeal to our son who loves dinosaurs) both of which we found at our local dollar store.

The bulletin board just below the shape references is from Ikea and is used mainly to hang our craft of the week or pamphlets we have from Sunday school. The small bar below is has containers that usually hold materials we use on a daily basis like our pencils, markers, etc. They are really easy to lift off the bar for our toddler to get them down on his own (unfortunately they aren't pictured right now because they are in the dishwasher being sanitized again).

This is right below the bar that holds our preschoolers materials, it was another Ikea purchase. We use this magnetic board almost daily with our magnetic letters and numbers, to hang pictures, or for some magnetic puzzles we have. The three empty bins to the left usually hold small items like pom poms and other small materials we use.

Lastly, this is our little homeschool corner all tied together. The table is perfect height for our toddlers and gets use during meals as well as during school times. The little bookshelves are also from Ikea. They were originally spice racks ,but they are the perfect size for children's books and give our toddlers access to books at all times. The small organization bin on wheels is where we store a good part of our school materials that we use throughout the week. It was a simple solution for the time being to keep all our materials in one area and off of our kitchen table that can become quickly cluttered by all of our work. The little tree you see on the wall with the letters is our own personal Chicka Chicka Boom Boom tree that ties into our weekly lesson plans that we are currently working on, I will be posting more about this next.

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