Thursday, April 24, 2014

Homemade play dough recipe

Here is a tried and true play dough recipe that I have continued to use with my children as they are growing up. There are many recipes for play dough out there and a big difference between many of them is whether it calls for the recipe to be cooked or not. Personally, I prefer the cooked version just because that is the version I grew up knowing and it has worked quite well for my family. All you need is:

1 cup flour
2 tsp. cream of tartar
2 tbsp. cooking oil
1 cup water
1/2 cup salt (this is optional, it just makes it taste bad so toddlers won't be tempted to eat it)
Other options are to add food coloring if you would like or even essential oils to your play dough for different sensory effects.

Mix your dry ingredients together first in a pot on the stove. Then add your wet ingredients to the pot and mix thoroughly. (If you do choose to add food coloring or essential oils, you need to combine it in a bowl with your other wet ingredients before adding it to your pot) Stir over medium heat until mixture forms into a ball. Let it cool on a baking sheet and then knead until it is smooth. Store your play dough in an air tight container, it will stay good up to 4-6 weeks.

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