All in all, we still had one of our better weeks of homeschooling while wrapping up on our letter of the week, the letter D! Our preschooler is completely obsessed with everything and anything dinosaur, needless to say we still managed to crammed this week with every fun filled dinosaur idea we could come up with! We jumped into this week with two fun dinosaur crafts to give his two different sensory experiences: both started with a rough outline of one of his favorite dinosaurs and then he used pasta noodles to create his own version of a dinosaur skeleton on one, while using paints to outline his other dinosaur. Both activities were really based for him to do independently in the morning.
This week we spent a good amount of our week outside to enjoy the nice weather and to give us a little break from our normal routine. This is where we did our workbooks for the week practicing tracing and writing our uppercase and lowercase letter D's. We also took a short walk to our local library since the sun was out to pick out some books to go with our letter of the week, when we came across this little gem:
I don't know if your local library has anything like this ,but we just recently discovered these little learning kits that are all organized by themes making them a great choice for our unit studies. This little packet was all about dinosaurs, it had books that corresponded with the theme, an educational DVD about them, and a CD that had toddler songs all about dinosaurs. Some further investigation I came to learn that this was just a small learning packet that they have, they also have giant tubs that are actually filled with an entire lesson plan worth of materials for specific themes that include books, videos and Cd's, puppets, and other learning materials. While I still love hunting for the new family favorites in the children's book section, this is honestly a homeschooling goldmine! Honestly, I just can't say it enough: use the local resources available to you, you will seriously be surprised at what you may find!
Towards the middle of our week after play dates, we decided to skip the sensory box that I had in mind and do a little letter recognition in our toddler pool instead. This was a really simple idea to make our fun time in the pool also into a learning exercise by filling the pool with different objects, toys, and foam letters. Our preschooler would find the objects that started with the letter D or the actual letters themselves and toss them out of the pool into a bucket.
While the bible lesson for this week was a bit larger than we had time for, I decided to only do half this week and the other half will be continued into next week (stay in touch for that to be posted in the next couple days). We did manage to wrap up our week with our letter of the week crafts! This week we did a duck for our lowercase D and a dinosaur for our uppercase D:
Since we were on the go the majority of this week, we took some time to break in our new Melissa and Doug preschool flashcards, these were great for our car ride to the mountains because they are set up in a question and answer type of way that really involves both the parent and the preschooler.
Like always we ended the week by adding our own letter D to our very own Chicka Chicka Boom Boom tree at home. Check in with us during this upcoming week for our "days of creation" bible lesson post and for some great letter D book recommendations to be coming up in the next couple days. We will be starting in on next letter of the week this Sunday, so keep on the lookout for our letter E activities.