Welcome to Homeschool Oregon, this week we are learning all about the letter G! Wrapping up on our first week of November we really switched gears to learning about giving thanks, the color brown, and the number three. This was our overall theme for the week to really explore what ourselves and our toddlers are thankful for and how we can show that to others. We kicked off the week by learning, tracing, and writing both uppercase and lowercase letter G's. Each week we like to incorporate letter of the week crafts that you can see ours
To really start the week off focusing on giving thanks, we wanted something that we could carry out all month long to show what we are thankful for: this year we kept it simple with a writable table runner that we could log what we are thankful for each day. As we progress throughout the month we will keep adding what we each are thankful for.
Before the start of a new learning theme I like to look around on Pinterest for some free printable learning packs to help supplement between our own workbooks and activities. This month I came across a blog called Over The Big Moon and they have some seriously awesome resources that are free! We found a fun Thanksgiving themed learning pack and expansion pack that we are using throughout this month, you can find it
here. These packs include a little bit of everything from number recognition, cutting practice, to hands on learning materials like puzzles and color dot cards.
In between all the tracing, learning, and writing of both uppercase and lowercase G's this week, and working with our new fun Thanksgiving themed learning kits I really like to make sure and break up the week with some hands on fun. Pulling some resources from our previous learning trials we had to make another "goop" that went along with our theme this week! If you are newer to this blog and haven't seen our previous learning trials before this year then you can find our very own goop recipe
here (this is such an easy recipe that can easily be adapted to any themes you like with different food colorings and you can even use different essential oils). Honestly, while it is a little on the messier side of our crafts it is such a hit with toddlers that it is well worth a little extra clean up afterwards.
Every week I try to incorporate more hands on learning tools for our toddlers that provide them with a learning through playing opportunity while still being able to stay within quiet time (because let's face it when only one toddler is left taking naps you want to let them nap peacefully without too much noise). Thanks to previous weeks lacing cards and some of the great little printable themed puzzles from our learning kits we ended up with a good little variety for this month.
Above are the lacing cards (a few we just created and laminated).
Above are the three miniature puzzles included in the free learning kits from Over The Big Moon.
Here are our newest favorite addition also included in the learning kits, these printables are meant to be used with little dot makers. Instead I laminate them to use with felt pom poms to get multiple uses out of them.
If you have read previously you'll know this year our preschooler joined Awanas at our church which has been such a blessing in character development, as well as just helping him learn about God. Each week I try to incorporate a bible lesson into our homeschooling ,but these past few weeks it has been skipped with all of our traveling around Oregon. Nonetheless now that we are back home we are getting back into our routine of things and this week with our focus being on giving thanks and gratitude, I really wanted to find a bible lesson that could really bring that to life for our preschooler. Our lesson this week with Awanas really shaped this weeks bible lesson because they were learning about 1 Chronicles 29 and giving their best gifts to God. This challenged us to find ways to give our best gifts as well to God and to our community. Each year before the winter holidays come around we like for our toddlers to go through their toys and pick out nice toys to donate to other families who need them. This is something we like to involve our toddlers with every step of the way and let them lead us, we set no limits to how many toys or what toys, we just express to choose some of their favorites (even older favorites as long as they are in very nice conditions) to donate. You would be surprised at how quickly our preschooler was choosing some of his favorites (even his dinosaurs) to give to other little boys out there and how he had an explanation for each choice, it is both humbling and amazing to see him putting others first.
So, as we wrap up on our first week of giving thanks this month we challenge you to also donate some toys or even helping hands to those who need in your community. If you have a way your family loves to contribute and help in your community we would love to hear about it as we are always looking for more ideas!