Saturday, December 6, 2014

Month 3, Week 3: All about the letter I.

Here, we have come to the end of our third month homeschooling and wrapping up our monthly theme with continuing to learn about giving thanks, Thanksgiving, vegetables, and the letter I. As our previous weeks this month we started by adding what we are thankful for on our table runner and by this point it is starting to look full. This is definitely a tradition I am going to be repeating in the upcoming years as an easy reminder of all we have as a family to be thankful for. Since this week falls on a holiday and we have multiple Thanksgivings this year with our families, our learning week is going to be a little shorter than our typical weeks. That being said lets dive into our week:

Since this week is a bit of a short week for us because of the holiday we were able to take our learning with us as we traveled to and from our different families for Thanksgiving. We brought along many of our hands on learning tools with us like our lacing cards and our miniature puzzles.

This week we left things rather short and sweet as we covered all our workbook lessons early on to give us plenty of downtime for all the hustle of the rest of our week. As most of you know I like to incorporate our toddlers in every aspect of everyday responsibilities as much as possible. This often means that our preschooler is lending a hand in the kitchen beside us to learn basic life skills. Since our week's theme included vegetables which couldn't of landed on a better week since there are plenty of vegetables included in Thanksgiving meals, I wanted to have our toddlers learn hands on about them. Given our toddlers know a good amount about vegetables because our families all garden, we try to pick up local produce as much as possible, and we incorporate vegetables into most of our meals. An easy way to get your children excited about vegetables is to include them in the process of them, it can be anything from picking them out to helping wash or cut them. We decided on having our preschooler do the washing of our vegetables this week. Honestly, you give kids water and fun scrub brushes and this becomes like a silly game to them. They learn while having fun and you have a little extra help, it's a win, win!
As we wrapped up our week of learning we found one last craft to work into our week while staying in theme. We created our very own name turkeys and if you are like us, you already have all the materials you will need to make this easy craft. Just a little construction paper, markers, and some glue and you are all set to create a fun Thanksgiving craft with your preschooler. I just precut the feathers and body pieces for our son, spelled out his name across the feathers, and then set everything out for him to create. This is another fun way to help with letter recognition and spelling their own names.

We hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving week with your own families and look forward to starting a whole new theme with you all next month. So, as we approach our busiest month by far in our whole year please bare with us as we find a way to make our homeschooling work around all the fun winter activities we have planned.

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