Saturday, January 10, 2015

Melting Snowman!

If you are looking for a fun winter themed science activity for your preschoolers then we have something great in store for you! Since the snow has been lacking this winter where we live, we decided to make our own versions of "melting snowman" for the kids to enjoy and they couldn't of been a bigger hit! For this activity you will need:
  • baking soda (and a little water to make it form able)
  • a cup or mold
  • accessories for your snowman (buttons, eyes, foam noses, glitter, etc.)
  • a pan
  • vinegar
To start you will need to mix your baking soda with a little water to make the baking soda form able for your cups, you won't need much water because you are just wanting it to be a little moist not runny. Once your baking soda mixture is ready you can prepare your cups. We put some googly eyes in the bottom of our cups and put a layer of baking soda mixture over them. Next, we added some buttons and poured the remainder of our baking soda mixture on top of those. Make sure to pat it all down so it forms tight and then stick the cups in your freezer to help your snowmen form quickly. We left ours overnight and in the morning everything was ready for our toddlers.

Once your snowmen are ready, you can take them out of their molds and put them in a shallow pan. All that will be left is making up your vinegar solution which you can use just plain vinegar if you'd like or you can add a little blue food coloring to yours like we did (it gave it a fun winter feel and a little diversity from the white snowmen). Once your vinegar solution is ready then you gave your toddlers free range to explore and "melt" their very own snowmen.

There are a few ways you can do this, a squirt bottle or a turkey baster are good choices for younger toddlers ,but if you don't have any of those lying around then a cup or large spoon works just as well. And that's it! You have a fun winter activity that you don't even have to brave the cold for!

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