Saturday, April 26, 2014

Letter B...

We are moving onto the next letter of the alphabet this week is the letter B and like the previous week we will be starting off the week with our workbook. If you didn't catch last week's post you can find it here ,it covers what we do in our workbooks throughout the week. Since this week fell on Easter, we chose to start it off with fun bunny themed pancakes (partly for Easter, partly for the letter B, and mostly because they are so cute!)

A fun way to spin off from the fun themed breakfast we had, was to play a game we called bunny tracks: we made little bunny footprints throughout our homeschool area and labeled half of them with a capital B and the other half with lower case B's. Then we instructed our preschooler to do different activities from one bunny footprint to the next, like: hopping, turning in circles, crawling, etc. This was a really fun, simple way to get our toddler active while learning to recognize the letter B. (I will be posting a printable for this game soon!) This week we turned our attention to our weekly letter crafts:

Capital B butterflies as well as capital B birds that both our toddlers participated in making this week. We focused on tying in the life process of butterflies and relating it into our bible lesson this week on the resurrection of Christ. Like I always say utilize your community resources, we really utilize our local church we attend and our son's preschool Sunday school class where he did his weekly bible story craft of creating their very own tomb's for Jesus to rise from (this all fell into Easter Sunday ,but we made it part of our entire weekly lesson plan). And of course like our previous week, we ended our lesson plan by adding our letter B to our very own personal Chicka Chicka Boom Boom tree.

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